Hello World Demo

本章主要讲解如何开发一个简单的kibana插件,实现一个kibana app,在页面上输出hello world。


1. Install SAO

npm install -g sao

2. 创建工程目录

在kibana工程plugin 新建demo目录

3. 生成代码


sao kibana-plugin

tip:如果需要制定版本使用:sao [email protected]


PS E:\github\kibana\kibana\plugins\demo> sao kibana-plugin
> Installing template-kibana-plugin with npm...
? Name of your plugin? demo
? Provide a short description Hello World
? What Kibana version are you targeting? 5.5.1
? Should an app component be generated? Yes
? Should translation files be generated? Yes
? Should an hack component be generated? Yes
? Should a server API be generated? Yes
Initialized empty Git repository in E:/github/kibana/kibana/plugins/demo/.git/
> [email protected] postinstall E:\github\kibana\kibana\plugins\demo\node_modules\spawn-sync
> node postinstall

> [email protected] postinstall E:\github\kibana\kibana\plugins\demo
> plugin-helpers postinstall

npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.
npm WARN [email protected] No license field.

added 361 packages in 30.126s
success Your plugin has been created, use `npm start` to run it

4. 运行

在kibana工程目录下执行:npm start

5. 效果

results matching ""

    No results matching ""